Transnational Family Dynamics in Europe

Cost Action CA21143

Transnational Family Dynamics in Europe

About us

Transnational Family Dynamics in Europe (TraFaDy) is a network based on the Cost Action 21143 and aims to deepen the knowledge of the growing, rapidly changing phenomenon and dynamics of Transnational Families (TNF) by bringing together researchers and stakeholders from different disciplines and countries to address the need for transnational insights and to formulate policy and practice-oriented recommendations with an impact on international, national, sub-local and local practices. We closely monitor current trends in migration, technology and politics, and engage in an intensive dialogue with policy and practitioners, and, thus, address the need to deepen and broaden scientific and policy understanding of Transnational Families. [learn more]

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Working Groups

Working Group 6
Practises and policy impact

This working group analyses whether existing policies at local, regional, national, European and international levels, and welfare and health services effectively address the needs of Transnational Families. It therefore links…

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