Aims and Objectives

TraFaDy constitutes a comprehensive interdisciplinary international network on Transnational Families. It aims to deepen the knowledge of the growing, rapidly changing phenomenon and dynamics of Transnational Families by bringing together researchers and stakeholders from different disciplines and countries to address the need for transnational insights and to formulate policy and practice-oriented recommendations with an impact on international, national, sub-local and local practices. We closely monitor current trends in migration, technology and politics, and engage in an intensive dialogue with policy and practitioners, and, thus, address the need to deepen and broaden scientific and policy understanding of Transnational Families.

The main research coordination objectives of this Action are to facilitate interaction between researchers and stakeholders from different countries, disciplines, and research communities, and to bridge the gap between TNF research, policy and practice. TraFaDy involves an international team of researchers from different disciplines and stakeholders working for various organisations specifically aims to:

Research Coordination

Facilitate interaction between researchers and stakeholders from different countries, disciplines, and research communities, and to bridge the gap between TNF research, policy and practice
Identify, collate and make accessible existing academic and practise-oriented research in different languages on the chosen topics of the WGs
Initiate dialogue and liaise with policy makers at all levels
Bring together national scholarship traditions of research on TNF, combining the insights of sending, transit and receiving countries in order raise research insights to a higher level and to reduce linguistic and cultural research bias
Stimulate debate on methodological challenges, both qualitative and quantitative, and improve data collection capacity
Review and advance scientific knowledge on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on TNF dynamics
Coordinate a series of publications on TNF, both academic and practice/policy oriented
Disseminate research results to a wider audience, including social workers, students, policy makers, voluntary associations and TNF themselves, by contributing to relevant websites, journals and (online) publications
Organise a closing conference as a policy and advocacy session with key stakeholders and include more organisations in the network to consolidate this new European community of practice on TNF

Capacity Building

Facilitate systematic exchange of ideas, develop research agendas on key topics of the thematic WGs and review the literature
Increase researchers’ awareness of the importance of
(1) bringing together insights from qualitative, quantitative and mixed-methods research
(2) improving data collection capacity
Seeking complementary findings across disciplines and sending, transit and receiving countries
Raise awareness of policy-making bodies, researchers and other interested groups on the different WG topics of the Action
Attract and train Early Career Investigators into research on TNF, through workshops, Training Schools, and Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs). Of particular importance, but not exclusive, are the exchanges through STSMs between sending, transit and receiving countries
Training practitioners from social work and welfare organisations and (under)graduate students in social and care education in evidence-based practices for TNF
Present research results to both scientific and non-scientific audiences through academic and nonacademic publications as well as dissemination events
Develop research-to-practice partnerships across Europe and beyond by establishing links between academics and stakeholders
Establish a vibrant and self-sustaining international community of engaged researchers and stakeholders who will continue to work together beyond the official end of the Action
Through stakeholder organisations and in smaller but well-chosen actions and direct communication, raise awareness and empower the TNF on the chosen themes of this Action
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