
Dissemination Conference Grants

TraFaDy encourages and supports Dissemination Conferences (in short: DC). A Dissemination Conference consists in a presentation of the work of TraFaDy in high-level conferences by an Action participant. This should increase the visibility…

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Short-Term Scientific Missions

TraFaDy encourages and supports Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs). STSMs are Exchange Visits aiming at strengthening the existing networks by allowing individual researchers to go to an institution or laboratory in other COST country…

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Virtual Mobility grant

TraFaDy supports Virtual Mobility (VM). A VM should specifically contribute to the scientific objectives of the TraFaDy. Topics, applicants may propose represent their own research theme as long as it is also of…

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Grant – FAQ

You might have some open questions on the grants. Our FAQ section gives you an overview on the most important topics. I you still have open quesitons, our Grant Awarding Coordinator Stefanie Derks…

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Young Researcher and Innovator Grant

TraFaDy encourages and supports Young Researcher and Innovator Grant (in short: YRIG). A Young Researcher and Innovator Conference consists in a presentation of the work of TraFaDy in high-level conferences by an Action…

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