Working Group 3
Social rights and social protection of transnational families

Working Group 3 starts from the observation that, in top of the fact that in many countries, Transnational Families are even not reflected in national social policies, research has revealed important differences in the social protection (including e.g. the portability of pensions, parental leave benefits) of Transnational Families. Especially the differences between Transnational Familiesemerging from intra EU migration and transnational families emerging from migration of so called “third country nationals” need to be explored because the latter group has additional barriers to access (quality) services. In addition, social protection is increasingly contested in a number of EU-member states (Kilkey, 2017), indicating the urgency to further analyse this theme. This WG also wants to better map out how Transnational Families themselves manufacture ‘care and protection assemblies’ and how informal and formal systems are linked, also include gender and ethnicity as important differentiating factors.

See more on our members on the E-Cost Website.

More on our work:

  • 10 May 2024: Working Group 3 in person meeting in Budapest

    This meeting will be hosted by the Eötvös Loránd University Minority Studies Department. It will be held in the afternath of a Marie Sklodowska-Curie (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowship, Intermarriage and Ethnic Identity (IMEI) project’s workshop. As TraFaDy’s theme closely aligns with the MSCA IMEI’s topic, this alignment will foster significant synergy between the two groups of…

  • 25-27 November 2024: Third General Meeting

    The meeting will take place in Vilnius, Lithuania. You will find more information at this place soon.

  • 20-22 November 2023: Second General Meeting

    The second General Meeting took place from 20 to 22 November in Istanbul, Turkey. It was hosted by the Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydinlar University (Istanbul, Turkey). Nafiye Cigdem Aktekin and Mutasim Bavarsi are the local organisers. During the General Meeting several meetings took place. All Working Groups met twice and several Working Groups split up…


Working group leader:
Dr Vida Cesnuityte
Mykolas Romeris University, Institute of Educational Sciences and Social Work
Vilnius, Lithuania

Mr Faruk Çam
Adnan Menderes University


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