Transnational family dynamics in Europe: the need for taking the family perspective in migration

This article by Sven Iversen, published in a special issue of “Families, Relationships and Societies” explores how a network like TraFaDy can try to help deepen knowledge and joint action among different groups of stakeholders such as non-governmental organisations and researchers. It shows the current background that makes a down-to-earth and family-oriented approach to the migration debate very difficult. The societal context includes the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic that deeply affected family life, the defensive spirit leading the debate on ‘migration waves’ and, contrary to this, the discussion on the need for skilled workers. The article takes a political and admittedly Western European-based approach to the challenges and opportunities that may arise; in particular, it refers to the recently adopted but still intensely debated new EU Asylum and Migration Pact.

Besides this article that was written in the context of COST Action 21143 this special issue of Families, Relationships and Societies contains numerous further articles written by different TraFaDy members.

The article is open acces and can be found here:

Families, Relationships and Societies:

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