Due to additional budgets, a second grant awarding call Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) and Inclusive Target Countries (ITC) is now launched. There are approx. 2 STSM grants and 5 ITC Grants to be awarded and conducted.
What are STSMs and ITCGs?
Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) are exchange visits aiming at strengthening the existing networks by allowing individual scientists to go to an institution or laboratory in other COST country to foster collaboration, to learn new techniques or gain access to specific instruments and/or methods or techniques not available in their own institutions. They shall have a minimum duration of 5 calendar days that includes travel.
ITC Grants offer young researchers and PhD students from Inclusive Target Countries (ITC) the possibility to attend international conferences that are not organised by COST Actions. The grant makes it possible to get involved in this international, multidisciplinary projects, to learn new methods and techniques, gain new knowledge and experience in working abroad.
Please give your special attention for the ITC-call, as there were no applications yet in the first call (beginning of this year) for the ITC-grant!
For all who want to apply, be aware of the very strict timeline:
- Deadline to apply: 28 May
- Communication to applicants on the grant awarding: week of 26 June
- All awarded activities must have taken place before 15th of October 2023
- Scientific reports with supporting documents must be uploaded in e-COST one month after the activity but no later than 15th of October 2023
- Approval and payment of the grant to the applicant: around one month after submitting all documents or on 15th of November 2023 at the latest.
Please find more information and the download of the grants here:
Need more information? Contact Jos Sterckx, Grant Awarding Coordinator (jos.sterckx@odisee.be).
Please inform your network on these great new opportunities for networking and cooperation.