8th call for TraFaDy Grant applications: STSMs, ITCG, DCG and YIRG
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TraFaDy at the 16th Conference of European Sociological Association “Tension, Trust and Transformation”
COST CA21143 members at the 16th Conference of European Sociological Association “Tension, Trust and Transformation”, August 27-30th, 2024, in Porto (Portugal) https://www.europeansociology.org/conference/2024The European Sociological Association (ESA) Conferences are held every two years in various locations across Europe, bringing together…
6th call for TraFaDy grants: STSMs, ITCG and DCG
Report: Meeting on the impact of current and future European migration policies on transnational families
On 30 October 2023 TraFaDy gathered a group of experts to analyse the current proposals for the new EU Migration and Asylum pact and discuss the possible implications for transnational families. The workshop was held in a hybrid format…
5th call for TraFaDy grants: STSMs, ITCG, DCG and VM
TraFaDy launches its 5th call for all of its different grants: Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs), ITC Conferences, Dissimination Conferences and Virtual Mobility. he Short Term Scientific Mission grant is an open call. The other grants calls close on…
Several calls for grants: STSMs, ITCG, DCG and VM
(Update: closed on 03 Jan 2024) TraFaDy launches several calls for all of its different grants: Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs), ITC Conferences, Dissimination Conferences and Virtual Mobility. Deadlines for applications: 3 January 2024. More information can be found…
20-22 November 2023: Second General Meeting
The second General Meeting took place from 20 to 22 November in Istanbul, Turkey. It was hosted by the Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydinlar University (Istanbul, Turkey). Nafiye Cigdem Aktekin and Mutasim Bavarsi are the local organisers. During the General…