6th call for TraFaDy grants: STSMs, ITCG and DCG
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28 – 29 September 2023: Stakeholder perspectives on Transnational Family Dynamics and Health and Wellbeing
WG 4 Stakeholder MeetingDate: 28. – 29. September 2023Venue: Center for Health and Migration1090 Vienna, Wasagasse 12/3/ground floor; meeting room AGENDAThursday, September 28, 2023 13.00 – 13.30 Welcome and Tour de table 13.30 – 14.30 Keynote: Transnational Family Dynamics,…
26 June – 05 July 2023: International Summer School 2023
Learn about the growing, rapidly changing phenomenon and dynamics of transnational families! 26 – 30 June (Young professionals) 26 June – 5 July (Students) The summer school will take place in Brussels, Belgium Join us for an International Summer…
Second grant awarding call STSMs and ITCG
Due to additional budgets, a second grant awarding call Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) and Inclusive Target Countries (ITC) is now launched. There are approx. 2 STSM grants and 5 ITC Grants to be awarded and conducted. What are…
22.-24.02.2023: First general meeting of TraFaDy network
The interdisciplinary network “Transnational Family Dynamics in Europe” (TraFaDy), founded on 3 October in the framework of the European COST Action programme, met for the first time for a general meeting to which all participants had been invited. In…
Kick-off for TraFaDy on 3 Oct. 2022
The TraFaDy kick-off took place on 3 October 2022 when the members of the management committee met for the first time. The meeting was held in Brussels, Belgium. Besides being the official start of the Cost Action, the participants…