Past Grants

Several calls for grants: STSMs, ITCG, DCG and VM

(Update: closed on 03 Jan 2024) TraFaDy launches several calls for all of its different grants: Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs), ITC Conferences, Dissimination Conferences and Virtual Mobility. Deadlines for applications: 3 January 2024. More information can be found in the respective call: Need more information? Contact Jos Sterckx, Grant Awarding Coordinator ( Please inform …

Several calls for grants: STSMs, ITCG, DCG and VM Read More »


As there is a small budget not assigned yet, a third call for proposals is now launched. There is approx. 1 ITC grant to be awarded and conducted. This ITC must take place before 15 October 2023. The ITC grant will be awarded on a ‘first come, first serve base’.

Successful applicants will receive an allowance up to €1 800 per grant for face-to-face conferences or €500 for virtual conferences (the average of requested ITC grants is €1 000). The budget will be awarded to the successful applicants in accordance with COST rules. The ITC grant will be paid after the conference (acceptance of the scientific report and all other requested documents required). The ITC grant candidates must therefore pre-finance costs related to the ITC (travel, stay, meals).

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