The Action encourages and supports that young researchers and PhD students from Inclusive Target Countries (ITC) attend international conferences (in short: ITC grant or ITCG). The TraFaDy Action launches now a 4th call for proposals.
There are approx. 5 ITC grants to be awarded. All conferences have to take place before 30th of September 2024.
Applicants are invited to apply up to 3th of January 2024.
Successful applicants will receive an allowance up to €1 800 per grant for face-to-face conferences or €500 for virtual conferences (the average of requested ITC grants is €1 000). The budget will be awarded to the successful applicants in accordance with COST rules. The ITC grant will be paid after the conference (acceptance of the scientific report and all other requested documents required). The ITC grant candidates must therefore pre-finance costs related to the ITC (travel, stay, meals).