8th call for TraFaDy Grant applications: STSMs, ITCG, DCG and YIRG

IWe are happy to launch a new call for grant applications, allowing TraFaDy members to present their work linked to our Action at conferences and visit other members of TraFaDy to advance their joint work. We have 3 dissemination grants, 2 inclusiveness target country grants and 1 young researcher and innovator grant to spend. Apart from that we can award 2 STSM grants for interested members. Action members can apply by creating a grant application in e-COST.

The deadline for applications is 02 March 2025.

More information can be found in the respective call. In case you have any question, please check our FAQ section. We are looking forward to your proposals!

8th call for grants, January 2025:

If you want to take a look at the application process, please consult the grant awarding user guide. If you have any further questions, please contact the TraFaDy Grant Awarding Coordinator Stefanie Derks (Stefanie.derks[@]odisee[.]be).

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